1. 请妥善保管好您的个人护照,这是您中国的身份证明,如果您的护照遗失或者损毁,请尽快重新申请。
2. 你们中大部分的人持有的是X签证,X签证是发给来中国留学的人员,留学期间,不得从事任何有报酬的工作,以免造成非法就业。
3. 如果您持有的是X签证,自您入境之日起的三十日之内,您应向南平市公安局出入境管理局申请办理外国人居留证件。
4. 除了居留许可证之外,您在旅馆以外的其他场所居住或者住宿,应当在入住后的24小时之内,向当地派出所申请办理住宿登记。
5. 在您进入中国后,须遵守中国的各项法律、法规。如果您有违反了中国法律法规的行为,除了相应的处罚外,我们都会您的行为记录在案。这些记录直接关系到您的签证延期申请是否被接受。
6. 如果您违反了中国的法律法规,情节严重,不适宜继续在中国停留或居住的,将会被限期离境。
Notice for Foreigners in China
Welcome to Wuyishan,please spend several minutes reading the following regulations for your better living and study in China:
1. Please keep your passport properly,it is the valid identification certificate in China. If your passport is lost or damaged, please apply a new one ASAP.
2. Most of you hold Visa X,which is issued to those who come to China for study,and you shall not take a post or employment without permission from authorized department.
3. If you hold Visa X,you should apply to the Exit-Entry Administration Bureau of Hangzhou for foreigners’ residence permit within 30 days from the date of your entry to China.
4. Besides the residence permit,you shall go through the registration formalities with local police station within 24 hours after your arrival.
5. You shall abide by the Chinese laws and regulations after entering China. Otherwise you will be punished accordingly. Furthermore,we will record the illegal behavior. The record will be directly relevant to your application of Visa extension is accepted or not.
6. If you violate the laws or regulations of China,which makes you no longer eligible to stay or reside in China, you may be deported within a time limit.