











Email: wyxyhwjyxy@163.com













1. 注册报名:请直接登录必赢nn699net海外教育学院网站http://进行注册报名,或也可以直接与招生老师取得联系,取得报名的相关表格。

2. 资格审查:收到申请表后,我们将审核您的入学申请资格,并尽快通过电子邮件或电话等告知审核结果。如果提交申请后一星期未见回复,请主动联系我们。

3. 寄发录取材料:资格审核完毕后,一般情况下,从得到资格审核结果到收到录取通知书和JW202表,大约需要30-45天时间。

4. 办理来华签证:学生本人持护照、照片、体检表、录取通知书和JW202表等到中国驻外使领馆办理来华签证;一般建议办理学习签证(X1 visa,入境30天内必须更换为居留许可)。

5. 报到注册:请携带护照、录取通知书、JW202表、体检表、最高学历证书原件,按照录取通知书上规定的时间到必赢nn699net海外教育学院报到。为了避免签证过期带来麻烦,请务必在抵达中国后尽快到学院报到。

6. 费用支付:学费及住宿费等相关费用到校后支付。


1. 必赢nn699net外国留学生学习申请表

2. 体检表

3. 最高学历证书复印件或在学证明

4. 护照复印件

5. 学习计划(400字及以上)

6. 推荐信(至少一封)

7. 转学同意书(限入学前在中国境内学习者)


1. 如果您在报名截止时间后申请,请先联系招生老师,经同意后提交相关材料。

2. 如果您在学期开始后提出申请,经我院审核同意后,可以插班。

3. 如果您申请本科学习,需要出具HSK4级证书,或者先到我校学习语言,通过HSK4级后再进入专业学习。(我校有41个本科专业,但每年对外开放数量有所不同,具体信息请咨询招生老师)


1. 接站:请将名字、日期、时间、航班号或火车车次用Email或其他方式发给我们,我们会安排志愿者接站;从机场自行乘坐的士,车费需要20元左右;也可以乘坐7路公共汽车到必赢nn699net站,或6路、9路公共汽车到学院路口站,往前走100米到必赢nn699net;从高铁站自行乘坐的士,车费需要25元左右;也可以乘坐7路、8路公共汽车到必赢nn699net站。

2. 分班:必赢nn699net语言生每学期按不同程度分班,从零起点到高级班,通过分班考试决定学生进入哪一个水平的班级,每个班级有不同的课程表。每周大约18-24学时。

3. 转学历生:长期汉语进修生可以在通过HSK4级后申请直接转入专业学习。


Student Recruitment Brochure of Foreign Students in Wuyi University

Semesters: September to January(autumn term)

Class hours: Monday to Friday(18-24 class hours per week)

Application time: March to May, October to December(contact with OEC to get the deadline)

      Contact person: Lucia Liu

      Tel: 0086-599-5137003


Qualification to apply:

      Foreign nationals


      16-45 years old

      High school graduate or above


New student registration fee: 400RMB

Tuition fee: 14,000RMB per year

Accommodation fee: 1300RMB per year

Textbooks: 600RMB per year(depending on courses taken)

Physical examination: about 400RMB

Residence permit: 400RMB for RP less than 360 days

Insurance: 800RMB per year

Application procedures:

1. Registration: please register directly with the website of the Overseas Education College of Wuyi University, or get contact with the Admissions Officer directly, and obtain the related forms.

2. Qualification: After we receive the application form, we will examine your qualifications for admission and inform the result of the examination by e-mail or telephone as soon as possible. If there is no reply within a week after the application is submitted, please contact us.

3. Sending admissions materials: after the completion of the qualification review, in general, it will take about 30-45 days from the results of the qualification examination to the receipt of the admission notice and the JW202 form.

4. For visa to China: the student himself holds passport, photo, physical examination form, admission notice and JW202 form to Chinese Embassy and consulate for visa to China. Generally, it is recommended to apply for a learning visa (X1 visa, which must be replaced within 30 days as residence permit).

5. Registered Report: please carry the passport, the letter of admission, the JW202 form, the physical examination form, the original of the highest diploma, and report to the Overseas Education College of Wuyi University according to the time stipulated in the letter of admission. In order to avoid any inconvenience caused by the expiry of the visa, please be sure to report to the college as soon as possible after arriving in China.

6. Cost payment: tuition and accommodation fees and other related expenses to be paid after the arrival of the university.

Application materials:

1. application form for foreign students in Wuyi University

2. physical examination table

3. copy of the highest diploma certificate or the certificate of study

4. passport photocopies

5. learning plan (400 words and above)

6. letter of recommendation (at least one)

7. consent to transfer (restricted to pre-school learners in China)


1. If you apply after the deadline, please contact the admissions teacher firstly and submit the relevant materials after approval.

2. If you apply after the start of the semester, you can join in after the approval of our institute.

3. If you apply for undergraduate studies, you need to issue a HSK4 certificate, or come to our university to learn the language firstly, through HSK4 level and then enter professional learning. Our university has 41 undergraduate specialties. Please consult the enrollment teacher for details of each year.

Other questions:

   1. Station: please send us the name, date, time, flight number or train number in Email or other way. We will arrange the volunteers to take the station; take the taxi from the airport, the taxi fare is about 20 yuan, and the 7 bus to Wuyi college, or the 6 and 9 bus to the college intersection station. Walk 100 meters to Wuyi University; take the taxi from the high-speed rail station, the fare will be about 25 yuan, or take the 7 and 8 bus to Wuyi University Station.

2. Division: the language students of Wuyi University are divided into different classes every semester, from zero starting to advanced classes. By the division test, which class can be decided by the students, and each class has a different curriculum. About 18-24 hours a week.

3. Transfer students: long-term Chinese students can apply directly to professional learning after HSK4 level.
