The summer holiday has come, students are about to start the summer vacation. Please follow scientific approaches and continue to do a good job of self-protection. Besides studying, the Overseas Education College hopes that your physical and mental health are receiving the same attention as well. We kindly remind you of the following:
1.留学生必须遵守法律、法规和学校各项管理规定制度。The overseas students should observe law, rules and bye law stated by school.
2.天气炎热,注意避暑。The weather is hot in summer vacation, please pay attention to prevent sunstroke.
3.假期期间不去违法娱乐场所、酒吧、网吧等处。During the vacation do not go to the illegal places and entertainment venues, bars and internet cafe etc.
4.不到江河湖泊游泳.All students are forbidden to swim in the river and lake.
5.注意用电用水安全,禁止在宿舍内吸烟,禁止使用违禁电器,禁止在校园内燃放大型烟花爆竹,不驾驶燃油摩托车和电动车。Pay attention to electricity and water safety. Do not smoke in dormitory. The use of prohibited electrical appliances is not allowed. It is forbidden to set off large fireworks and firecracker. It is also strictly prohibited to drive fuel motorcycle and electrical bike.
6.学习期间不得就业、经商或从事其他经营性活动。Students should not be engaged in employment or other business activities during the whole period of their studies.
7.禁止喝酒。Drinking alcohol is forbidden.
8.严格遵守交通法规,杜绝交通意外的发生。Strictly obey the traffic rules and regulations, and pay attention to keep yourself safe.
9.注意饮食安全。Pay attention to food safety.
10.晚上11点前必须回到宿舍.All students have to arrive back to the dorm before 11:00 PM, if someone need to go outside, you have to get permission from the teacher, permission will be grant to the group not less than 3 students.
凡是离开学校者,需到海外教育学院填写假期去向表。外出前,必须得到老师的同意,否则,处以严重警告的处分。Students, who want outgoing during vacation, must fill in Vacation Outgoing Form in College.If someone want to go travel, you have to get permission from the teacher, or the punishment will be sever warning.
如有异常情况及时向教师报告。暑假期间海外教育学院24小时值班电话:0599-5137003,学院派出所电话:0599-5100110. If there is any abnormal situation, immediately report to the teacher.During the winter vacation Overseas Education College has the 24-hour hot line: 0599-5137003,the police station telephone: 0599-5100110.
Opening day: 1st, September, 2024. We will inform you all through Wechat group if there is any change. So please pay attention to information.
During the summer holiday,students are requested to strictly abide by the relevant management regulations, do a good job of self-protecting, and carry out various activities while prioritizing personal safety. We sincerely wish you have a nice and safe holiday.